Monday, October 14, 2013


I, too, seem to have inherited the family genes.  I am a pear.  To get pants to fit around my waist, I can usually pull them off my hips without undoing them.  I decided last week that enough is enough and picked today to start to get in better shape.  I am not going to diet, since I know that won't work for me, but I am going to eat more sensibly and watch my snacks.  If I am thirsty water or tea works just as well as a soft drink (or beer).  I can't drink diet drinks so my consumption is full calories.  I am also walking the dogs around the trail. Once winter hits I will have to find a different route.  Yesterday we celebrated Kik's birthday.  Chinese food and pumpkin pie.  What more could she wish for.  I have also discovered that if you process hot banana peppers without gloves you shouldn't touch your eyes or nose for days afterwards.  Hard lesson to learn.  I am trying to step back from some of my outside commitments, but it seems once you are there you are there for life.  With the stress at work I just can't handle the stress in my leisure time.  Patty is done next Friday and there is no word on a replacement.  We have been training the other woman at work in most of the jobs, but she is like my old dog.  She gets an idea in her head and that is the direction she goes in.... over and over.  Sometimes you feel like there is nobody there when you are trying to explain things.  She even argues with you when you are trying to explain what she did wrong.   the next few weeks could be interesting.  Patty suggested that we put her back on registrations.  We sort of took her off them because she kept doing the same mistakes over and over, but it is a job that at least 2 other people have to verify after it is done, and everything is fixable up to acceptance.  I will be a lot less stressed out with that than I will be if she is doing to bookkeeping where there is no follow up until month end. Enough bitching.  This is thanksgiving.  Today I am thankful for life.  Even with the pain of growing old, it is way better than the alternative.  Everyday is a gift.

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