Friday, September 2, 2016

Another day

to scratch off the calendar. 

Damn depression is barking at my heels, and I realized that it's at its worst, while or just after, I drink the green tea.  A lot of the green teas, and at least one other that I've tried, disagree with me, but I had thought the two I'm using would be okay.  I'm trying to drink a large cup with every meal.  Maybe I'll just have to cut it back to 2/day.  The hardest thing about rigidly following the diet is cutting back on the Dr. Pepper.  I manage about 1/2 the time.  At other times, the stress it's causing just isn't worth denying myself, and I'm really struggling with that concept.  But the scale is a little lower, so I persevere, and sit here with a bottle of lemon water.  A bit of a surprise is how much I enjoyed the cold cod, in a salad.  I've had it twice this week, as I think the cod cakes are awful.

I'm exploring a new writer--Allison Brennan.  I've enjoyed a couple of her books, and have now ordered others.  No word on the newest Louise Penny book, but I can wait.

I have three different projects on the go, but only get an hour or so in the studio, in a day.  I have much more energy, but my working speed is still quite slow, and I still have to pace myself.  Still, it's so much better than it was 6 months ago, that I think the whole losing weight bit is worthwhile.  I took most of a day off the housework this week, and couldn't believe how much it piled up.

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