Friday, September 30, 2016

Putter-y day around here

We have a bit of a crisis. We have been "locked" out of Poker Stars.  We've been trying to communicate through their "help" section but without much success.  We have spent our evenings playing for quite a few years, and I really don't know what we're going to do.  Hopefully we can sort it out.  Since I lost my hotmail account, they can't communicate with me, and everything has to be through David's computer--a real nuisance. 

Last evening I started to clean up the basement, and did a bit more while I was doing laundry today.  We now have a very big load to take to the thrift store.  some clothing, but a lot of junk.

David spent most of the morning baking bread.  We ( the Royal "we") made a sourdough starter last week, and enjoyed a loaf of rye bread, but today he made rye again, using the correct amounts of everything, since last time we substituted.  Both versions were fine.  Also today he experimented with sourdough pumpernickel.  We haven't tried that yet, and we're a bit worried that the loaf may not be cooked as well as it should have been.

Then he decided that it was time for Lion to move into the insulated garage.  He's been slowly cleaning up the yard for winter. We're worried about the rhubarb.  It hasn't done well for a couple of years, and I think we may have lost it. Yesterday, he took a tomato cage and made a bit of a tipi over the tiny maple tree in the front yard.  Last winter it was eaten down to the roots by the rabbit, and we don't want that to happen again, so plan to cover it.  Not just yet as it's in glorious colour, tiny as it is.  We've had lots of visitors to the feeder.  The Juncos hung around for about a week, and we've had a Flicker, as well as the Chickadees, some sparrows, and the Blue Jay.  Squirrels have been well represented as well.  The red squirrel doesn't like anyone else at the feeder and runs them off--birds as well as the larger grey squirrels.

Almost supper time.  Have a great weekend everyone.

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