Monday, September 19, 2016

Busy, busy

Tomorrow my small stitchery group will be meeting here.  This means a general clean-up, but I've regrets from several of them, and the ladies who are coming are more relaxed, so I don't have to go so far as to clean the drapes ( not that I ever do).  But they had suggested that I bake something special for them, in my new kitchen, when we set up the date last spring.  So today, David and I baked chocolate chip cookies and a cinnamon streusal loaf .  Now I fully expect that there will be left overs, and that this may present a problem. When we were getting things ready, we discovered that there was no coffee in the house.  I have always kept some in the freezer, but when getting ready for the reno, threw out what I had, as it had been there so long.  Probably a good decision.  I still have to scrub out the bathroom, and find and wash the special cups and saucers, but other than that, a good vacuuming, and we're just about ready.

Yesterday I set out to sort out all of my polymer clay stuff. OMG!  I had no idea there was so much.  I knew I had some old dried out clay, but not as much in the way of partially prepared projects.  We baked off the things I made during Saturday's class.  Discovered that I could solve all of the problems I've had with the baking if I set the oven at 275 degree F rather than 275 degrees C. ( Duh!?) David got quite involved in helping me.  I found a whole box of molded faces that I had forgotten, and he trimmed them for me.  Then we started trying to re-condition clay left over from years ago.  This is a lengthy, physically demanding job, but it worked, just as the instructor said it would!  It took at least half an hour to do each small amount of clay, and we only did two.  Then I did a bit of work with molds.  I'm very happy with the results, but I sure couldn't have done it without David's muscle!  So, again, by supper time, I was exhausted.

David has been very good about my diet, so yesterday we cooked an oven roast for him.  Today we made gravy, and froze the leftovers, so he can enjoy a beef meal periodically.  I feel quite guilty that he is left pretty well to fend for himself when it comes to meals.  This way he just has to thaw and microwave, rather than start form scratch.  We've put away some pork meals as well, over the past little while.

Now, off to clean off the surfaces in the living room, maybe dust a bit, and then off to buy coffee.

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