Sunday, March 19, 2017

Slept well--for once

Woke up this morning with a little more energy than usual, so decided do some "wet" studio work.  It took about an hour to set up, with David's help.  I worked steadily for 2 hours, and then took 45 minutes to clean up.  I'm not used to working that hard and steadily, all at one time, and I was exhausted.  But I have 11 pieces that can be used for the background of more formal pieces, and I'm well pleased.  ( see other blog)  I also found that Blue Dawn dish detergent is wonderful at removing paint from my hands. Bonus!

So not much else has been done around here today.  I put a chunk of pickled beef in the slow cooker this morning when I first got up.  This is the smaller, flatter slow cooker we bought on clearance at Walmart.  We have found that a "high" setting on this is the equivalent of a low setting on the other slow cookers I have, so 10 hours is probably a good range for today. This may be the reason it was on a clearance shelf.  This is such a treat for us.  I'm quite looking forward to it for supper, even if I can never eat as much as I would like to.  So-o-o good!

I think I mentioned a series of books I have been reading by David Handler.  I started another series of his this weekend, and I'm quite enjoying it.  It follows a detective named "Benji Golden".  A slightly built, younger man with a"baby face".  This makes him very good at finding runaway teenagers, but of course, that is just the beginning of the fun.  He may be young, and somewhat inexperienced, but he doesn't stay that way.  A lot of humour along with the mayhem.

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