Saturday, April 22, 2017


Just got home (with a side trip to Starbucks) after a very busy day.  David asked me if it was worth the money, and I had to think about it.  My goal was to re-visit techniques that I've used in the past, to see if I might stumble on anything inspiring.  I think I might have accomplished that, in which case it was worth the money.  However, the project she gave us--making a collage--may have sent me in an unexpected direction.  Awhile ago, I attempted this, actually drafting three different small collages, but never finishing any of them. I think another look at what I had planned, with an aim of re-thinking them to be machine worked, may just be in order.

And did I mention that we had a heavy, but wet, snowfall for most of the morning?  Beautiful at the beginning, large, fluffy snowflakes, like big balls of cotton candy, but cars and streets were soon covered.  It stopped at noon, but there was still a good coating of snow on all the roofs I saw on the way home,

Of more interest, was the wedding in the room next to us. There were many guests, all dressed "to the nines"!  Most of the men were either in tuxedos or very nice traditional business suits-something you just don't see in young men these days.  But the young women!! Wow!! Most of these young people had black skin, and the ladies' outfits made them look like exotic birds. All of them had very high heels, either stilettos or wedges, and none of them were plain colours--they all matched the fairly formal, colourful outfits--and were they ever colourful--yellows, pinks, bright blues, not a dull colour anywhere.  A profusion of joy!  What a treat!

But I'm beat!  A full day of working just isn't part of my lifestyle any more.  So supper, a quiet evening, and bed.  I don't even plan to empty my suitcase, or set up the machine, until tomorrow.

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