Thursday, April 6, 2017

Something in common??

Sounds a little like you're going through the same things as we are.  The house is falling apart, and neither of us is capable of physically handling the chores.  Just the routine things like heavy cleaning are quickly becoming more than we can handle.  This week David vacuumed the house, including the basement and stairs (quite necessary after all the traffic through relative to the washer), then he was pretty well wiped for the rest of the day.  I can just manage to keep appearances up, in terms of the bathroom fairly clean, and the kitchen free of dirty dishes etc ( even if I have to hide them in the dishwasher or oven.)  I try (key word "try") to make the bed every morning, as it's visible from the hallway.  Even so, the contractor was in there in Monday, as David was asking about adding one more circuit to the room, for the machine he hopes to get for his sleep apnea.  It will cost over $1000.00, so the contractor suggested we just buy and extension cord.  

Sorry to hear that Jim is having more trouble.  This must be a worry for you.

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