Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Red Hat

Remember when I was looking for a red winter hat to go with a red scarf I had? Well, I never did find one but, after having just finished that orange knitted hat I mentioned last week, I decided to go downstairs and sort through the boxes of wool/yarn that I have stored. And there it was - a nice ball of variagated reds yarn - enough to do another hat. I started it this afternoon and not only will I have my red hat, but also I have something to do. And I do like to knit. My hands and fingers work well enough to be able to manage.
I started the Miss Julia book last night and I find it easy to read and so far enjoyable. I have charged my KOBO Ereader and downloaded latest updates and hoping that there may be some of hose books available - and even better if they are available to download free! Some of the books are free to download - I know this because those are the only books I have downloaded in the last two years.
Well, must go...expecting lots of rain tonight and turning to snow tomorrow - oh joy!

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