Sunday, June 2, 2019

Back in the Saddle???

The last couple of weeks have been very busy.  I've really been functioning in high gear, and running from event and commitment to event and commitment.  The final event was today, and I got home just before 3:00.  I went to bed and to sleep.  I could probably have slept for hours, but had asked David to get me up, knowing that doing so would interfere with my sleep tonight.

As I mentioned before, Friday we were up early and off to Winkler-a two hour drive each way--to hang a fibre art show at the Arts Centre there.  We got home and later in the evening, I got a phone call asking if I could volunteer in the gallery in Selkirk on Saturday.  David was with me, and it was a pleasant day.  Last evening we went out for supper and spent a couple of hours at the casino. We both really needed that down time.  Today, I had planned to go on a tour of artists' studios, with my friend Gail.  This has been planned for over a year.  Unfortunately, yesterday her 98 year old mother broke her leg, and Gail had spent most of the afternoon and evening in emergency.  But today her mother was casted, and back at the Personal Care home, and other family were available to step in.  So Gail wanted to proceed with our tour.  

The studio tour was interesting, and time well spent.  I bought some note cards, which I had needed, and a small fused glass trivet that was wanted but maybe not needed?  It is really beautiful, and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it.  At a different studio I saw a mixed media picture that I fell in love with as well, but couldn't afford.  It was an artist I know, and if I can get the $$$ together, I may give her a call hoping that the picture is still available.

So now we have the a month with very few commitments.  I see it as almost a holiday, and plan to treat it that way.  After  I got up this afternoon, I spent a hour tidying and sorting in the studio, so that I could work on projects starting tomorrow.  I have missed my studio time so much, and plan to make up for it.

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