Saturday, January 25, 2020

I feel like a spy!

We have a terrible time finding soap for David, considering his allergy to perfume.  Even some labelled "perfume free" can have enough scent to bother him, especially once they are used and subject to body heat.  In early December, we found some hand made soap at a craft sale, that he has used and finds acceptable.  The only contact info on the label was a website.  I used the "contact us" button on the website and had a response quite quickly.  We ended up making arrangements to meet.  I was to go the the Mall and look for a grey Ford parked by Regent, but facing Shoppers Drug Mart, at a very specific time. I told her that I would be wearing a spotted fur coat. We drive up there, spotted each other, quickly jumped out of our cars, exchanged money for soap and drove away.  Now David has enough soap to last  until about the end of May--maybe longer, and I have her contact info.  But what a dance!

And all of this, after I spent the better part of a day chasing down soap for myself, including dealing with an imaginary address, and a non-existent store, only to find what I want at the local mall, and on sale to boot.

So back to out quiet life.  David is already in front of the tv, and me in the kitchen drinking my Starbucks refill, that had to come home with us.

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