Thursday, January 16, 2020

Puttering with new laptop

We are still using the old computer during the days so that Harry can go online as he has not yet oriented himself to the new one.
However I transfer to this new laptop in the evening and have been having fun setting up blog, and bookmarks, and email contacts and generally getting use to the new format. To date I am liking it and have had no real issues but then I have not really gotten into things in any depth yet. I like the feel of the keyboard and I seem to be able to manage this well so far. I just tried to download "games" on to Harry's side, but was not successful except I found that there were already games downloaded (but not all that Harry is used to playing) I may have to use the geek squad to do that?
Busy with the greenhouse these days as we have the big one heated up and Harry has been planting seeds and placing the trays into the greenhouse. I wonder if we will get the terrible cold spell that you folks and farther west are experiencing what might happen to keep things going, but then this has always been my worries. One day at a time I guess....
Lots of snow so I get out every day to shovel-obviously winter is indeed here. Spoke with a fellow on the street walking his dog and one comment struck home with me when we were talking about winter been here - he said "but remember it is the middle of 
January already" and I realized how true that is -  can I see the light at the end of the tunnel?
So long for now - just wanted to let you know that everything is OK with computers - I can communicate one way or another haha!
Take care

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