Sunday, January 12, 2020


Glad to have you back, and glad that you had time to relax while you were away helping Mike.

It's turned cold here.  I originally typed in "very cold" but everything is relative.  It's much colder than it has been up until now.  This means that we hunker down in the house, only going out for food.  The house is relatively clean, and the freezer full, so lots of time to read and sew.  I've discovered that I can still wear my fur coat, with a sweater or sweat jacket underneath.  That's unexpected, as I had thought it was a spring and fall coat.  Since I need to wear a sweater or sweat jacket under my parka, I may be able to wear the fur coat all winter.  I still get compliments from people  I don't know, and that still makes me feel good.  Bonus!

My eating regime is going well.  (Fingers crossed!)  Tonight I had tacos made with turkey meat.  Not my favourite meal, but filling.  I've just about finished re-reading the Monkeewrench books, and that makes me sad.  The book reviews are carefully checked in the Saturday paper, for books that sound good, and that I can find in the library, then putting a "hold" on.  Sometimes I'm #282 on the list and sometimes second. It's always good to know that there are books coming, regardless of how long it may take.  I found the most recent Virgil Flowers  book by John Sandford sitting in "New Releases" this week, and jumped a very long waiting list.

Sunday night and not much on tv, time to sign in for poker.

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