Sunday, January 19, 2020


The promised snow storm has come and gone, and thank goodness it was NOT like Newfoundland and Labrador, but it was enough snow for my liking. Another morning shoveling - but still not done. I have saved the sidewalks and paths out to the greenhouses for another time. Probably tomorrow and I really should get the roof done as well - save that for tomorrow as well. I guess that is like being a procrastinator?? but today I just don't have any more steam left in me haha!
Today I am showing Harry how to log onto the new laptop , and check for his emails. That should be enough for one sitting and will start the transition process in a small way. Gradually we should be able to make the full move but Harry still wants to use the old computer to play his games - he does not need to log onto the internet for that and maybe that is an OK idea. it will depend on how I can arrange the computers together for easy access. i still have to connect the new printer to the laptop - that will be for another day as well. haha!
I am happy to hear about your going to see Charlie Pride Pati, and when i told Harry he was a bit jealous. There really is no reason why we could not take part in the live entertainment at Casino Rama except that it is in the evenings usually and is 2 hours drive from here. i guess that is reason enough NOT to partake.
Well I better go for now. Just heard from Mike and he was trying to shovel snow at his place as well but did not want to harm his shoulder so he was trying to devise a way to use his snow blower and start it with the electric start so as not to need excess motion to start it - long story but he thinks he can do it. I sure hope so without exacerbating his injury. But he needs to move snow as he got as much as us. Oh the joys of winter.  Hope you folks have dug out as well...Take care

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