Sunday, January 12, 2020

Roller coaster weather again...

Now we have a blizzard/snow storm out there, but yesterday we went through the entire cycle of conditions, and of course, the need to respond quickly to all of them. Set up pumps for the rain/water, and then shovel off the roof to remove the wet soggy snow and then endure the drizzle and ice pellets and then the blowing snow with ice underfoot. What a ride!  I sit now with my morning coffee and wait until I can get out and dig us out. The snow plow just went by for a second time during the night and the end of the driveway is getting higher and higher with snow. Poor Bailey just went out and did his thing and ran as fast as he could to the door to get inside. Don't blame him a bit. But I am worried about him as yesterday I noticed he demonstrated hesitancy to pass his water, and I observed some blood tinge urine in the snow. Not a good sign so if this persists I shall have to get him to the Vet? I will have to collect a specimen though, so that might not be easy.
Gradually catching up here at home as well - the birds got their cages cleaned and I think were happy for that haha! The house plants got watered and I think they, too, were happy for that!
Mike called and says his range of motion is improving, and his discomfort is diminishing...he has not driven yet but states he will be fine to do that. The driving will not be an issue but it is starting the ignition and shifting gears that requires his right arm strength and motion that may be a problem.While I was there he drove only once to try and it was not a successful try. His ultrasound at the hospital contributed to his increased pain and lack of mobility, but with more ice treatments and pain pills he was able to recover a bit. The technician had him move his arm to his back and this really set him back. His friend (a computer expert) is coming to his home today to fix the disconnect between his lap top and printer. This occurred while I was there and the two, over the phone, tried for over an hour to rectify but to no avail. Mike needs his laptop for his classes and studies, and needs to be able to print. I enjoyed "hanging out" at the Campus during the week - walking around, and sitting in Starbucks - just waiting. I wondered over to the Book Shop and walked up and down the aisles- so many books but also, with the start of this new semester, so many empty shelves. Mike was unable to purchase a required book there, so had to go online to order - he needs this book to read and produce a paper by Jan 21. There are 9 people in this particular class and the shop only ordered in 6 books (?)  all grabbed up quickly by others. Of course, this shop also sold the usual University "swag" so that was interesting for me to browse, and put in time waiting for Mike while he was in classes.
So I better get on with it - the morning is here and I have had my coffee and shall prepare my "to do" list for the day. I have not been able to catch up with the blogs I usually follow except for ours of course, but hope to gradually get there. One night as Mike's we were browsing the TV and he showed me a few You Tube shows he watches, so I had him go to The Last Homely House East of the Sea to show him what I watch haha!  Take care

Edit: I just reread and this paragraph seems to be just dangling here at the end when is should be in the text ? i do not know why but here it is haha!

And on the day of his ultrasound on the way home, we went to Chapters and I had a good look (always a treat) and then into Costco to renew our membership. We did a little shopping but not much as Mike was in some real discomfort by then.

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