Sunday, January 5, 2020

Taking action

I mentioned a torn sheet.  It was the bottom sheet, and it was a long vertical tear.  I took this as a warning that the pedicure I've been talking about for a month was now long overdue.  So today I took my cane and walked over the the mall across the street.  ( I've been using the cane more often recently, as the streets and parking lots are so slippery).  The whole thing was a mixed experience, as it has been the last couple of times I was there.  When asked what colour I wanted on my hands, I said, " No colour, just clear".  Well I got no polish, and a very short, slap dash manicure.  Most of these women don't speak English, and when someone complains, I notice the other two, who usually do speak English, appear lose that ability.  But--the price is right.  Now I'm starting to realize that you really do get what you pay for.  A couple of years ago, I got a gift certificate from Gillian for a pedicure at a small shop in Transcona, and I'm thinking that I should go back.  For the same price as I pay across the street, ( or maybe a little more, now)I would only get a pedicure.  But the manicure is for my satisfaction, only.  I can cut my own finger nails. 

This evening, we will be taking a cue from you, Cathy, and staying home, where it's warm, and there is food.

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