Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Museum Connection

To take my mind off of all that snow outside that will require my attention later today, I'll sit with my morning coffee and write a few lines. Cathy I was interested to hear more about your considering the offer for you to be on the Museum Board. This sound very interesting and I wonder if you have being involved with the Museum in the past? I imagine in accepting the offer, that you are ready to dive into some stimulating adventures to keep your mind at work. I hope you find such adventures as it becomes very humdrum always being at home without outside people and things Pati can speak to this handily. There was some comment among us, awhile back, about losing one's "social" skills. As i sat in the waiting room yesterday for my appointment, I realized that I must be fitting nicely into this ..I did not want to engage in the idle talk of the others in spite of having to comment here and there. There are other times when I have also felt this way. So what to do, and what opportunities do I actually have? I shall think about this. But in meantime, I am happy that you, Cathy are considering otherwise. And I recognize that Pati, you also make the efforts to socialize outside the home.
So here's to another day. Cleaning bird cages, and shoveling snow will likely take up some of my time today. Hope you folks also have a good day! Take care

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