Sunday, February 9, 2020

Nicer weather...

At least not so cold today and should be milder for the next few days which serves me well. Always a panic situation when temps outside drop and the greenhouse inside temp also drops. Staying close to home as result of the cold and caring for Bailey as well..... he is holding his own and I am still assessing him closely.
I did a big clean out today by boxing up music CDs and cassettes with plans to take the boxes to the storage unit tomorrow. It makes more space for me although while choosing the ones I wanted to keep - the ones I play most often or like better than others - I had a chance to play some of the more obscure ones. Interesting that I always seem to play the same over and over, so I guess I like them best haha!.
I am reading one of the books Mike gifted me at Christmas right now "An Ocean of Minutes" which is about time travel and a flu pandemic that has killed off most of Americans - it strikes me as a very real time plot in light of what is going on in the world at the present time. It is actually scary to hear the news "on the hour" of the deaths and of the numbers confirmed - in luxury liners of all places! Thank goodness I did not book a world cruise this year.
But I thank you for the book suggestion you mentioned Pati. I always write them down for future when I order from the Library.
So this week I go to the Eye Surgeon on Friday and hoping for a good decision on my part if he recommends it is time for Surgery - he said last time that it is entirely my choice - when my vision and thus my life is impacted by the cataracts, I choose to go ahead.
Hoping to hear from you Cathy about your weekend as I was thinking about you every day wondering how things were going.
Anyway, time to put the birds to bed....and do some reading. Here's to another happy week ahead folks...take care 

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