Thursday, October 1, 2020

All quiet on the western front.....

I stole the title, but it seemed to fit my position in the country.  I have not been picking fresh cranberries, nor drinking Pumpkin Latte, or any coffee to think of it. But I do have a bunch of freezer meals prepared. and we got rid of our last extra mattress so I rebuilt the beds in the spare rooms.  Sam chopped down more trees in the garden so I have been trimming branches and piling logs. If the wind ever dies down I hope to get as many branches burnt up as I can in the fire pit.  Jim plans on waiting for snow and burning whatever branches are left in the middle of the garden.  Jean is coming over with Chinese food tonight for Jim's birthday.  Yes, his birthday was in August, and her's was on Tuesday, but somehow we are always 2 months behind.  I guess we were all hoping for the Bamboo to open for eat in in the restaurant, but it is still pickup only so that is what we are having.  (i just hit the wrong button and closed my server! The nice program saved a draft for me)  We will probably wait and see if anything opens up in the next couple of months and get chinese or go to the casino for Jean's birthday.  I am going to help Kik with masks again this weekend.  She is still working on yours Beth, but she got another big order for 40 see through masks for speech pathologists at the school.  The Salvation Army got a grant to provide the school with some masks and asked Kik to make them. The province provided the teachers with some see through masks, but they are not that good., so they recommended getting better quality for the speech pathologists. I will make sure I help finish yours Beth.  They are cut and folded but when I don't help she has to do her batches one step at a time. When I am there she cuts, I iron and fold.. she sews the seams,  I notch the seams and pin the pieces together...she sews them together...I turn them, shape them and Iron them... she sews the folds for ties and nose pieces... I insert the ties and nose pieces and voila!  The see through ones are more precise so I may be just ironing and inserting elastics.  We'll see.  So today I will try and clean the rec room so we can eat the food down there. (Jean has trouble with stairs) and best of all Jean has said that she will take the tomatoes I have left. Time to start the day.. Take care my sisters!

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