Thursday, October 8, 2020

Plodding--perfect word to describe my life

 Our lives have been somewhat frantic lately.  Everyday there is something to remember, such as a workman coming for some reason.  I feel as though I've been on a taboggan going downhill for at least two weeks.  And it's not done yet, as tomorrow we have to go to Portage la Prairie to pick up the show that we took out there in early August. I ifnally otls 

David that he can put the outdoor furniture away, and he asked me when the Christmas trees can come in from the garage.   Well, not until I do some work downstairs and that can't happen until I get rid of the fibre show that will be stored down there starting tomorrow.   Every time I turn around someone is asking/reminding/expecting something of me. Tuesday evening, after a busy day, the lady phoned me to ask me to volunteer in the Gallery on Wednesday.  This is my role, in term of volunteering there, as I don't want to set up a specific day of the week to be there, but I acknowledge my responsibility to do so at some point.  So, when there is no snow on the ground I'm on the emergency call out list.  I had thought that it might be a relaxing day for me, but it turned out not to be so.  I was very glad that David had driven me out and picked me up, as I came home and collapsed.  Then, having not really done anything physical during the day, I couldn't sleep, and ended up seeking chemical help about 1:30, slept through until 5:20, when a very nasty bladder infection made itself known.  Not for the first time this week, but I had thought it had been dealt with.  Not so.

I've been awake since then.  This is the day of the week that is designated for grocery shopping, so we accomplished that this morning.  We bought a small fresh turkey, rather than thawing out the one in the freezer as neither of us wanted to go through the job of thawing it.  It will be cooked Sunday morning or early afternoon.  Later Gail will be coming over that evening for an informal dinner and game night.  By cooking the turkey earlier in the day, the kitchen can be cleaned up and ready for a very informal buffet of turkey in buns, raw veggies, and whatever Gail brings for dessert.  She had a small group to her house for brunch last Sunday and we get to finish the leftovers of that.

What is bothering me is the very long recovery time I need to get my energy back after a stressful period like the one I've just gone through.  I'm also bothered by how difficult we're finding it to hunker down at home for any period.  We've either had people at the house or been out, or both, everyday for the last couple of weeks.  This is not how it's supposed to be done!

But, I have a new faucet and shower stall in the bathroom, and cleaning will be so much easier now.  We got to watch The Masked Singer last night, and we both just love this.  I have nothing scheduled for the rest of today, and nothing scheduled, other than Sunday's dinner, for the best part of next week.  I should be counting my blessings.  But, instead, maybe I'll just have a nap.

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