Saturday, November 21, 2020

A bit of a giggle, when----

 I read about your experiences with Amazon, Beth.  David discovered how easy it is to order last night, and to even discover that my credit card is registered with them, and one just clicks on the right button to take care of everything.  We did have a discussion about taking care when one orders, and selecting an outlet that one trusts.  I've learned about that through experience. 

Today it was my turn to go grocery shopping, so as soon as David got up, I was out the door. (Didn't want to leave the house and take the car without letting him know)  I bought a couple of things not on the list, such as sweet'n'sour cut ribs and chicken thighs, both of which were at a very good price.  Then when David unpacked them, he asked what I expected to do with them.  Unfortunately, I had stopped at Starbucks drive-through on the way home, and was getting well caffeinated, so told him-- and started working.  We ended up with 3 good meals of a bastardized Coq-au-vin, and another 3 of Daddy's B-B-Q'd ribs.  Then I made a batch of Sourdough Blueberry Muffins. Then we had to clean-up. Great fun. Then a meal of ribs. It's now 6:00 and we just finished dividing everything up into meals for Zip Loc bags, and into the freezer.  It's times like this that I treasure my dishwasher. We tried the small Crock Pot that I bought ages ago off the clearance shelf at Walmart.  I had thought that it didn't work well, but it worked fine today.  Good to know when we are a household of 2.

I've been re-reading The Artists' Way, and trying to do my Morning Pages every day.  Over the last week, my musings have been very much related to my efforts to fight the ghoul of depression, something we  all know well.  This morning my horoscope told me that things would not necessarily go well for me.  So, my plan for today was to forget about the things I "need" to do, especially in the studio, and to find something silly and fun for a change, even if it has to be done at home, rather than out in society. This is also part of one of the recommendations in the book.  I had decided last night to spend the whole day in the studio today, playing with scrap fabric.  Haven't been down there yet today, and know I won't make it this evening. In terms of things not going well, I do remember a package of blueberries jumping out of my cart and smashing itself on the floor, to send blueberries rolling all over the whole floor of one aisle in the grocery store.  I got away with that one, but once home, another package of blueberries tried to jump out of my hands while I was putting it in the fridge.  I caught about half of the berries, awhile the rest rolled all over the kitchen floor, especially under the fridge.  David and I got them, even though neither of us is really comfortable bending down.  Then David surprised me when he brought one of the Christmas trees into the house.  We set it up, and made sure the lights worked, but decoration will wait for tomorrow.

Time to sit down with my regular Saturday evening tv shows.  Stay safe ladies.

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