Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Not really a Surprise

 To be closed down for a minimum of four weeks.  That brings us right up to Christmas, so I expect that stores etc will be a zoo, if we even open up that early.  We are well stocked up on every thing except books.  Reading is such a part of life for both of us, and I worry  about our mental health if we're unable to read for awhile.  So after supper last night we headed for the book store.  Between us we bought 26 books, and spent a fair bit of money.  But with the libraries closing, without notice, a couple of weeks ago, we both felt it would be money well spent.  Here is the result.  We may have to ration them.  Several of them are the "dusters" that David loves, and are of little interest to me, although I know that I'll read anything if I'm desperate enough.  I bought the Louise Penny.  I'm not sure where I am on the library waiting list, but who knows when the libraries will open again?

Of course, after the library we stopped at the grocery store for a package of spinach for me, and spent over $100.00.  Gotta stay away from that grocery store.  While we were there David hit the liquor mart, so when I say we're all stocked up on everything, I mean it.

When the lockdown hit England. The art blog I follow there announced a short term, quick and dirty sketchbook course featuring the younger woman, and I've signed up ( it was quite inexpensive)as I knew that her approach would be quite different from her Mother's approach. I'm struggling along with that for four weeks.  Last night I saw an announcement on Facebook that another fibre artist, that I follow, was hosting a one hour live interview with the instructor from the course.  I was too late to see the live interview but it was filmed and posted, so I watched it before I went to bed. They talked  about their lives, which was interesting, and we had a short tour of the actual studio the lady in England works in.  Just the thing to help me slowly relax and get ready to sleep.  The glass of wine I had while watching didn't hurt.

And so we now settle in, to wait for sanity, both relative to the virus and as well as relative to American politics.

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