Thursday, November 12, 2020


 What a shelf full of books...I took a magnify glass to try to read the titles but really could not see except a few that were very clear and big and recognizable. That should give you both some good reading opportunities in these times of togetherness haha! The neighbour across the street Gerd (husband of my late friend Ruth) gave me a shopping bag of books yesterday on my walk with the dogs. he still reads a lot and is given books by other friends and then passes them onto me. There are some that i would not even open but others that might interest me. I think I will keep this bag handy just in case. I am now half way through Troubles in Paradise and will soon get through it. The Library is still open here but who knows what restrictions may be coming soon.

Today I have arranged to visit with Daisy and family (son and grandaughter) who are up from Toronto for a while. They feel more safe up here than in Toronto although the wife still is running her hair salon in Toronto and drives back and forth on the weekend. I baked a date square for a change - matrimonial cake recipe and it turned out OK - enough that i will cut up and take a plate over. Harry bought a big container of dates the other day and then found he could not eat them -so like so many other foods he tries and then cannot eat, i was left to do something with them. 

Yesterday I took advantage of a non rainy day to do more outside and I think I am finally getting a grip on things. But the nice mild temps dropped quickly and a vicious wind came up so it really was a bit miserable. I had hoped to get a tarp over the newer greenhouse that we set up this spring but with the wind I knew it would be a losing battle. My original plan was to remove the outer shell over the frame to store for the winter but since that never materialized i thought maybe a tarp over the top and sides might be the next best thing, but I really feel now that it may be left untouched and have to see in the spring what a winters worth of snow will do to its integrity. Too bad as it was expensive and it took me a long time struggling to get it up in the first place. Oh woe is me, haha!

Time for a coffee and get on with day. Be safe...stay in place... take care.

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