Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Be - I found a Hornets Nest

Good to hear about your weekend - there are always the little "funnies" tha become memorable and you seem to have been a part of it all. It would be a nice treat to sleep in the Chalet - would feel special as a wedding guest - although I still like the tent thing it was probably more elegant for you to be in the Chalet this time.
Patty you were the unofficial holder of ladders and collector of muck -I've been in that position frequently but I did it on my own yesterday at the back of our house. There are many trees and it always fills up the eavestroughs. So while Harry was busy in the house, out I went to do a bit of yard work. I cleaned out the troughs with my hands while maddly holding onto the less than stable wooden ladder. All was well up to that point. The muck was just thrown onto the ground which then needed to be picked up and swept away. As I was cleaning I moved the pile of tires stored ( you know the summer tire / winter tire switch needed in the great white North) and stirred up a swirl of frantic action from hornets. I did not realize what was happening until my head felt swarmed. I ran from the spot with arms flapping. Once they settled down a bit I was able to go back and clean up. But not without having been bitten at back of my head. I assume I was bitten because it was itchy and sore. All I could think of was to put some calamine directly onto my scalp - this looked really good all over my hair but it worked.
Anyway, must go.... Take care

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