Saturday, August 15, 2009

family and friends

Tonight we are having steak, new potatoes, garlic bread, mushrooms, onions and caesar salad. Tomorrow is turkey. Tim's mom is joining us for supper tomorrow. She has been really depressed lately, and while she was in Edmonton her dog had to be put down... piled higher and deeper. Mady and her friend are here, and Jim's goddaughter Kellie is here for a couple of days... oh joy! three 14 year old teenagers!!!! I thought I was over that! Things are going good so far. Jim and I sleep in and get up at 7am... the next one got up at 12... then 1 and we went to town before the last one got up... how can people sleep that late. I think it will be interesting with Kellie here with the other 2. Kellie is a farm girl... she has chores, a little brother to take care of, and her mother just had a hysterectomy and Kellie is taking on a lot of the work at home. The other 2 are city girls with no responsibility and nothing to do but shop. Maybe they will learn something (bitch bitch bitch) I will keep you posted on my sanity. I have Monday off work! YEAH!!

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