Sunday, August 9, 2009

while Jim's away the Cat will play

Jim took his friend Carl (his dad's friend) into Winnipeg this afternoon. I had done all my"chores" while he was home, so I was looking forward to some down time while he was gone. I trimmed trees and Picked potatoes and raspberries. (froze the raspberries) and had just settled down with a book when a truck load of Hutterites arrived. Less than 2 minutes later a van arrived with 2 more. They brought their own beer (except for Curtis & Rylan.. the ones in the van) They were here for about 3 hours, so needless to say I didn't read... too bad, cause I was hoping to read the book Jim wants to read before he got back! Jim left the city about 5pm (just before the Hutterites left) His sister had phoned him for some help but he couldn't understand her on his phone( he needs a new one) He called me on the car and I was able to translate. Her sattelite dish had fallen behind her dresser and she couldn't pull it out Jim will stop there before he comes home. We have a pot roast, new potatoes and salad. I am already hungry. Back to work tomorrow. I think I have the house ready for our company, Thank the gods for boxes that can be filled with "crap" while they are here and sorted when they leave. Tim and family arrive this week and the wedding is the 22nd. Busy times for the next few weeks as we have signed up for a golf tournament on the 29th. It will all be fun. If only I didn't have to work. You'd think I would have won the lottery by now. I buy tickets!!

Love Ya

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