Friday, August 9, 2013

So nice!

To see your blogs and read about what you are doing.  It has been a little frantic around here.  The Agent sent a 13 page form/questionnaire to fill out, much of it single spaced lines asking questions about how well the septic system works and how old the appliances are, and how well they work and when each building was built , and if the government has any plans to expropriate the lot.  David and Gail had to be physically together, to answer the questions as they had to agree on the answer and both initial it.  I don't think I've ever seen so many initials in one spot before. They finally got it off to him by Fax this morning, and I finally got into my studio for the first time in over a week, after supper tonight.

So, for today, I'm grateful that this part of it is over.  We will not be looking at any offers until August 26, so we have a couple of weeks of relative calm--then the storm, because once we get into negotiations it will be a little hairy, and then we will probably be trying to move and distribute everything that has accumulated over the past 70 years.  Maybe I will even get out on my bike in the next day or so.

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