Sunday, August 18, 2013

Soft Ice Cream

This afternoon I walked over to the local Foodland to buy some hair spray. Harry wanted to spray it on some thistles as per the instructions from his brother who sprays and then paints things like this. We had a huge thistle growing in the flower bed. Anyway, on the way over my mind started to wander and of all things thought of Patty working at the Bridge Drive in and of soft ice cream. There is an ice cream booth at the store and sure enough they had soft ice cream. So I decided to splurge and ordered a vanilla cone. I thought of all the soft ice creams I have had in the past and looking forward to tasting it after so long. Then the little girl took a disc out of the freezer and placed it in a machine and pumped out some white stuff into the cone. It was NOT soft ice cream as I remembered it. More like thawing brick ice cream. Disappointment!! And I could have stopped instead at the chip truck and really splurged..... Oh well. But in the store a man stopped me in the isle and asked me to help him find something for constipation - he had just driven 5 hours from Guelph and needed something. We ended up having the greatest conversation about bodily function, and food etc. It was an interesting moment and provided me with some much needed comic relief.
I spent most of morning in basement sorting and organizing stuff to get out (find) jars and bottles for juice and find the juicer etc. Then washed them all and stacked them on a card table ready for use over next day or two. Harry picked crabapples from the trees - far too many this year - have never seen the trees so productive! He also has another batch of chokecherry vinegar made as we went yesterday afternoon to pick more.
My cold continues to annoy me and I had a troublesome sleep last night with stuffiness and coughing and sniffles. It can only get better but in meantime I suffer.
I viewed the Free Press page and see pictures of the storm that swept through your area - so much water on the streets and underpasses and traffic lights out in Wpg. Hope you are all OK - did it reach your area Cathy? We are finally getting some warmer temps after a week of coldish single digit weather. However, the trees are already starting to change in some places - far too early! Take care

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