Saturday, October 14, 2017

Not to worry....

I was in High school and played in the orchestra there on the double bass. Miss Port the teacher encouraged many of us to expand our horizons and consequently I also joined the Winnipeg Junior Symphony Orchestra under her direction, She played the violin in the WSO under Victor Feldbrill and so his dream was realized in that she took the next steps and our orchestra played in southern Man and into North Dakota - I remember Minot as one destination. Also a weekend in Brandon where we were to come back on the Sat night but a snow blizzard came up and we were all billoted out to peoples houses for the night there were eight of us in a very large home with two elderly ladies (? spinsters or sisters?) I think I wrote southern USA in that last message but meant southern Man and into the northern parts of ND and Minn.   I was also a member of a quartet from the high school ranks and we played weekends at the Grill Room in Eatons. We got sandwiches in the kitchen after our dinner time entertainment as compensation!. 
As I say, many memories often pop up when triggered by a word or article. This was also the time when I worked every night at the Manitoba Theatre Centre as a "dresser" and then summers at Rainbow Stage.  I believe in retrospect that I had an interesting life in my teen years, but I also know how much stress i created for Mom and Dad. I often feel ashamed at that but when you are young, you don't think of these things. 
Any comments? Cathy do you remember these times?

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