Saturday, July 14, 2018

Out Again

Beth, your comments stirred me to action.  Possibly because they echoed the comments the physio made yesterday, when he asked if I didn't own a pair  of shorts.

So, early this morning, we were off to St. Vital Centre, and the Bay.  In the past this is where I've bought my muu-muus.  I loved wearing them, but had figured that they were no longer sold there, or anywhere, and I was right.  But the store was in the middle of a "store wide clearance sale".  I found many things to try on, but ended up buying a pair of shorts, a pull-over knit shirt, that I like very much, and a blue denim-look  dress, just below knee length. All of these were on sale. I also bought a bundle of socks, which had also been on my shopping list.  They weren't on sale, but I still got 6 pair at just over $4 each.  They are a brand I really like, and can only get at the Bay

Then, David wanted to stop in Walmart to try to find the slippers he couldn't find in our trip to the local one yesterday. He found them, but not in his size. However, in our search, I found two pullover Polo-type shirts and an over blouse--all Alia brand, which is what I wore all the years I worked.  All three came to less than $30.00.  The best thing about my purchases is that they will all fit nicely into my current wardrobe.  I've made the mistake in the past of buying something I loved, only to find that there was nothing else, that I had, to coordinate it with.

But now we're home for the day.  Yesterday, I finished a third charity quilt top, complete with fabric cut for binding.  Today, I hope to start a fourth one, while monitoring my new clothes being washed.  All of them can go in the dryer. Hallelujah!  Once they are all  ready to go, I can use an assembly line process to get them sandwiched, ready for quilting.  I had hoped to have 6 finished by the end of August, and this will give me 5, with the basic cutting for several more also done.

And for supper tonight, I've taken a package of Daddy's ribs out of the freezer.  Always nice to have something handy, and not have to sweat over deciding what to serve.

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