Thursday, September 3, 2020

A giggle (but don't you dare laugh out loud!)

 Yesterday we followed our usual schedule by finding some time for David to drop me off at Starbucks, and run errands.  I suddenly realized how long it's been since I actually went into the grocery store.  Oh well, there are still stores that will only allow one family member to enter the store--period.  I'll just ease my conscience by assuming that all stores require that.  Some time over the weekend he did find large bottles of Diet Dr. Pepper.  Never thought we would see that again.

Then it was home to sit in the garden for awhile, followed by a decision to go out for supper.  A pleasant day, but I was out of the house so much that I missed a call from Gail.  Perhaps today.

During the shopping trip, David discovered that he could no longer open the trunk of the car.  Not with his keys, not from the button inside the car. So he put down the back seats, and climbed in  to use the emergency escape handle to get it open.  This didn't really work well, but with some physical effort, finally did the trick.  Then he discovered that he couldn't get back out of the car.  He was on his stomach, with his head and upper body in the trunk and his legs out the back driver-side door.  I heard him calling for help, and with a lot of physical assistance, and over a bit of time, we finally got him out.  Did I hear a giggle out there?  Anyway, he took it in this morning, and there is a part on order, to be installed next Wednesday.  Kaching!

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