Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The lazy life

 If I get up early, I usually have to creep around, quiet as a mouse, so as to not wake David up.  The last few days, our roles have been reversed.  For some reason, since my problem with the muscle spasms, I appear to have relaxed, and accepted that I don't have the energy I did even a few months ago.  I've been sleeping like a log, well into the morning.  I've also had more energy during the day, probably as a result of a good night's sleep.

Yesterday, I sort of farted around all day, until it was time to watch the evening news.  ( I had over-caffeinated myself early in the day and spent a lot of time sorting out and re-organizing the studio.) Then David discovered a movie made of the 1967 Newport Folk Festival, at 5:00, which we watched, that morphed into a 7:00 running of the movie made about the 1968 Monterey Music Festival.  Immediately following that was the 3-4 hour film made during 1969 Woodstock.  I got a lot of hand stitching done, drank some wine, and went to bed late.

Today, I had an appointment to get the foot orthotics I was assessed for a couple of weeks ago.  They are only letting a few people in the store at one time, so there was a short lineup outside.  I told the lady guarding the door, that I had an appointment with Marianne.  She asked me to stand on one of the social distancing marks, while she went in to let Marianne know.  The fellow ahead of me in the line was immediately asking me how I got an appointment to buy shoes.  He was a quite disappointed when I told him the appointment was with the Pedorthist.  Then David dropped me off at Starbucks, while he went into the grocery store.  It was now about 3:00, and neither of us had had lunch, so I had some eggs, and David went to McDonald's while he was away, then had a drink and a brownie when he joined me.  Neither of us was the least bit hungry after we got home, and supper was skimpy and very late.

My next task is to read my book, and maybe sip some wine, ( I'm very much enjoying the latest batch--white zinfandel) and try to get to bed a little earlier tonight.  I've just finished the Dorothea Benton Frank book, "Full of Grace".  I found myself both moved and inspired by it, probably moreso than any other of her books.

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