Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Freezing weather

Seems that the night temperatures are close to freezing lately enough so that Harry asked me to set up a heater in the little greenhouse last night. The peppers in there are producing right now which seems a bit late but nevertheless, requires some additional care. I have never set up heaters in the Fall so hope this is not going to be a new thing around here???

We too, went shopping yesterday... in Huntsville, and i was tempted to visit Starbucks but the regular routine was not the same and so it never materialized. I only imagined sipping on my Chai Tea Latte haha!

But I bought a new type of Kcups for the keurig in Dark Roast flavour and as I type I am sipping on a coffee and quite enjoy it.. I only use the keurig lately - it is too easy to press a button and get a coffee. maybe i am showing a bit of laziness as well?

Trying to tidy up outside a bit but not much progress. Seems the more you work, the more work you have ( or see that has to be done!) The big apple tree at the back of the house died this year and was cut down leaving the space clear which I am loving. The brush sat on the side of the road for a week until finally the town truck came by to pick it up. I was afraid we may have had to put it in our car and haul it to the dump ourselves. 

I think I am not liking this new format. I can hardly see what I am writing in "medium" font. How are you two feeling. What if I used large font - would it bother you both at all? Let me know...Take care for now.

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