Monday, September 28, 2020

Where did the weekend go?

 Thursday and Friday were so busy and stress producing, that I crashed on Saturday.  I was really in a fog all day, so much so that David had to drive me out to Selkirk to pick my pieces from the September show.  Yesterday wasn't much better, but I did get out to the store to buy a few perishables.  Saturday morning we discovered at least three places on the bedroom wall where the fellow had drilled right through the wall, when installing the shower walls.  David spoke to him this evening, and he offered to patch the holes, but we feel that the whole room will need painting.  There's pretty well no way the paint could ever be matched successfully.  Otherwise the shower is great. It has meant changing some habits.  There is no bathtub rim to rest books on, and no gadget attached to the bathtub to help one to stand up from the toilet.  As well, I now face the actual shower itself, instead of having my back to it. Every thing is in the wrong spot! I guess some things just need a time to get used to.

This evening they announced on the news that both the casinos and libraries are now closed again. We discovered last time that we could manage just fine without the casinos, but the library is essential!  Evidently this should last for a month ( 2 isolation periods)  I believe that we've bought every interesting sounding book from Walmart.  Maybe I'll have to visit an actual book store.

I think I mentioned that I had ordered a pattern and some papers for a new EPP project. It arrived today.  The papers really are papers and not the light cardstock that I usually use.  This means changing my method of basting them to the fabric, but that's okay.  It will slow me down a bit, but since the pattern suggests that the fabric be very carefully cut so as to make best use of the design, my progress will be much slower in every sense.  This is something I don't often do, as I feel that it wastes too much fabric'

So, not much new.  Life is slowing down again, as it should, under the circumstances.  This time maybe we even have some better coping mechanisms. H'mmm.  No-one said the liquor stores are closing.

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