Sunday, September 20, 2020

I am just frozen....

..shivering with the cold as I had the dogs out early and the night temps are still low. I look forward to this week coming as the temps are to rise during both the days and nights and maybe bring some sense of comfort. But I have my coffee and a toasted bagel with peanut butter in front of me as i write a few words. I am also sitting in a much more comfortable computer chair - Harry finally gave in that the one we had was awful so i had another one sitting idle that we exchanged and the old one went down to the dump.( the joys of having a house full of stuff just waiting to be used haha!)

I am happy to hear all your news - both of you - about stocking up and filling freezers and power cooking etc and wish i could be the same. Actually my freezers are already full and every shopping trip i go through them to cull what I can in order to put more in. Terrible habit! And what to do with garden produce - I have little green tomatoes to do...I wonder what green tomatoes are like juiced up in the blender??  And damned if Harry didn't bring home 4 zuchini from the little stand on the road. This man gardens but has too much so he sets up a stand at his driveway and offers free vegetable, which of course, catches Harry's attention. Harry already has hid garlic bulbs ready to plant for next year and this means preparing the garden plots and then getting straw to cover them up. I saved the straw from this spring but do not know if it will be ok to use again. In which case I have a yard full of old straw to deal with haha!

I have put my name on the wait list at the Library for the new Gamache book although I do not know how soon I may be able to get it. Hopefully it won't take too long...but please, do not tell me anything about it after you two have read it! I can hardly wait because I have not been reading again for awhile - not interested in what I have but the anticipation of this book intrigues me...

So on with the day. Take care of yourselves. Stay safe.

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