Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Legacy Format still active...

It seems that I am still defaulting to the legacy format so do not know if this will last. Funny to see Pati's last post where it seemed to jump from the one to the other? 
A little rain overnight and more expected today.  The garden is waning and yesterday I pulled out most of the kale which grew wonderfully well this year. Harry dehydrated it and i will use the leaves for myself, and some of it will be made into powder for spices. harry bought many little bottles at Dollarama and has all this years dehydrated and powdered veg/spices/herbs etc labelled and stored into them. Now we have to be sure to use them up over the winter. For example, Harry is eating green fried tomatoes now so I make the flour coating spiced up with many of these offerings. It makes for a nice taste. And I have been enjoying toasted cucumber or tomato sandwiches - nice tasting when fresh. The Farmers Market stand will be in place here in Sundridge until Thanksgiving weekend and Harry has been buying nice veg, and fruit from there. Our consumption of meats has basically stopped since Harry does not eat any anymore and I tire of trying to make something for myself of that nature. I did buy two frozen in a package 'salmon burgers" at the store this week and a package of buns, and tried one the other night as a burger with tomatoes etc. As much as I like salmon, I did not like the flavour or texture or taste of this at all.
I have some shelves from Willies move that he did not want and have an idea to put them in the storage room downstairs to try to organize a bit. I hope to tidy the little room that houses our water tank and pump etc and make room there. Harry has been active in doing preserves lately and I need someplace to store them. Actually i need to dispose of older preserves that we do not use, and that might help too..haha!
Well on with another day. Hope you folks are well, but refreshed after your visit. Pati, it was wonderful to hear that you shared your sketch books, and as much as you might have felt a bit anxious about it, I am sure there was also much pride of accomplishment also attached to the showing of your work. You may also have touched a cord with Rrain from the sounds of it and passed on a whole new family thing? 
Take care and be safe. ...

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