Saturday, September 12, 2020

Churchill High School.

 I, too, saw the articles on Churchill.  I wish my memories of high school were better.  But I was always a bit of an outsider during those years.  And even then there was Mom to deal with, but never to the extent you two experienced.  Rather, I was thrust into the role of "mother" far too young. so the articles brought back that sort of memory. The good part of those memories was that we felt so safe in our own neighbourhood, walking the streets at all times, night or day.  I used to walk home from what is now Osborne Village, often late at night, and never felt threatened in any way.  But then, I also walked most of the way home form HSC, while in University, and never felt threatened.  Maybe I should have. I would certainly never do that now, even if I were physically capable.

Thinking about more current threats, David and I are considering moving back to more of a self-isolation state than we have been living recently.  David reacts very badly to the any flu vaccine, and usually chooses not to take it.  Given his age this puts him as double the risk with the approaching flu season overlapping the Covid 19 threat.  Everything we hear involves concerns about the possibility of someone hitting the hospitals with both, and utilizing  resources that could go to others.  David's age is also a third strike against him.  So, we're going to stock up on non-perishables items, and try to reduce trips for perishables to once a week, with me doing the shopping and running the errands.  I know this still leaves the possibility that I might bring it home to him.  I also know that we've talked about it before, but now we have a plan.  I am dreading it, as I really don't want to be going into these stores, but maybe my fear will help reduce the number of trips we make.

Otherwise, we, too, seem to be doing an awful lot of "pacing" of our physical activities.  Funny, but I've always used this as a strategy for energy conservation, especially since my knee surgery, but now David is one board, although not necessarily as an intended change in behaviour.  He's been practicing it for awhile.

In the studio, I've been finding started but not finished pieces, or samples that have the potential to be  turned into a finished piece.  I'm trying to finish these to the point that I could submit them to a Gift Shop for potential sale.  Not getting too far with this as the need to cut more papers, or more fabric for my EPP keep getting in the way.  But after three days of frenzied work, I now have enough of everything to keep me going with that for quite awhile.  And most of the tv programs we follow start  a new season next week.  More time spent sitting and doing nothing, or maybe I should saying pacing our physical exertions.

Looking forward to an evening playing poker.  I don't think I've done that for over a week.  Keep safe ladies!

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