Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Catch up

Not much to talk about this weekend. Cooler weather until yesterday, but it was a nice break, from the heat.  The tv forecast 7 degrees overnight on Sunday, and that gave us pause to think, and realize that we're moving toward the end of August.  Scary, as we haven't been able to do anything about getting the snow blower fixed, and David is in no condition to shovel.

Sunday we had to deal with the current wine kit.  It was time to add the clarifying agent, and David decided to siphon it into a clean carboy first.  We only had a slightly smaller one, and were working away, when a moment's distraction and the carboy overflowed all over the basement floor.  We weren't really in a position to stop, so just threw a towel over it and carried on--even pouring the slight extra that had to come out onto the towel. But we now have a very full 19 L carboy just about ready to bottle-maybe next weekend.  We often just put it in gallon jugs and bottle four bottles of wine at a time.  Easier storage that way.  My diet only allows the accsional glass of wine, so we're going through it much more slowly

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