Friday, June 22, 2018

Sort of busy

Bought makings for rhubarb jam yesterday--our second go at it.  But with July first looming, our last chance for  this year.  Bought supplies for Nanking Cherry jelly too, but should have checked the bushes first.  There was great bloom, and it looked like fruit setting, but when I went out today, there wasn't enough to worry about.  Wonder if this is a symptom of the decline in bees.  With the trend to roof top hives over the past couple of years you would think there should be more bees around not fewer.  But, while out looking it over,  I discovered a small rose bush growing in the middle of one of the Nanking Cherry bushes.  This appears to be an offshoot of the beautiful Rose bush in the neighbours yard.  I've spoken of this one before.  The flowers are double, or even triple, and a deep pink.  We have coveted them for years, and sometimes David sneaks a bloom to bring into the kitchen.  The actual bush is hidden from their house by a shed, and we don't think they can see us.

Anyway,  today was the day, and David took over the jam making, while I sat with a cup of tea, read my book and offered advice.  I usually jump in when it comes time to pour into jars, but otherwise it was all him.  We got 13 1/2 jars to go with the 14 from last time.

The rest of the day, we each pretty well went our own ways.  When I last left the studio, I was pretty discouraged, but today went better, and I feel much better about my piece.  It isn't, and won't be, great art, but it should become a piece I would be willing to exhibit.

With the very hot weather and the driving rain we've had in the last week, the peonies have suffered.  But, the pretty shell pink one in the front yard, always blooms late, and only now has it bloomed fully.  This is my favourite, mainly because of the colour.  I actually cut three of the blooms and brought them into the kitchen.

Yesterday, I finished the latest Donna Leon mystery,  "The Temptation of Forgiveness".  I've tried to think of a way to describe the aura of her books.  The best I can come up with is that they are "gentle", if any police procedural can be described as "gentle".  In this one I think she is much more cynical about the Italian Government, than I remember from any of the others.

But now I'm back with an Ann Cleeves, Vera Stanhope mystery.  Yes, I'm still eating, sleeping and reading.  Somehow, I have to make myself more active, just to keep my joints working.

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