Saturday, April 13, 2019

A birthday plan

Sounds like you have lots of activities planned for your birthday.  ??Cleaning bird cages??   But isn't that so much of our reality as women?  We do what needs to be done.  Just the same, I hope you find a few minutes to yourself, to quietly celebrate.  But maybe you did that while you were with Mike?  Did you get into Starbucks and find out what sort of ready brewed coffee they had?  A campus is really a separate place with an atmosphere all its own.  A lot has to do with simply the physical surroundings.  The people are the same ones you see anywhere, but they appear to change given, what I see, as an environment that demands a different time set.

My weekend will involve a wholesale house cleaning as I have some ladies coming for tea on Tuesday afternoon. That sort of frenzy doesn't change with retirement, Cathy.  I still channel our Mother and the frenzy she used to get into when the "Spinsters" were coming.  But this has also meant that not much cleaning took place around here over the past few days, in anticipation of the "big event".

Yesterday, I bought a new purse.  This has been coming for awhile, and I "bit the bullet" and did it.  I had thought that it would be so much larger than the last one, and hold my stuff quite nicely, but here it still looks a little stuffed.  I see it as a "summer" purse, and quite unlike any other I've had.

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