Thursday, April 18, 2019

All is not well

For some reason my back pain has returned.  Got bad Tuesday evening.  I barely slept that night, but had a doctor's appointment at 6:00 the next morning, so went there instead of anything like urgent care.  He made some changes in my meds.  Then we went to Smitty's for breakfast.  Both of us found the portion sizes too much for us, but had a good breakfast.  Then it was off to Walmart with new prescriptions, and while we waited for the pills, I had my hair cut.  I had been planning that for awhile, and found I could endure it without too much difficulty.  Then I went home, took my daily pills with the changes made,  and slept for 3 hours, with a little from a T3.  For the rest of the day I was pretty well a "basket case".  I sat and watched tv.  I had no appetite, and found that trying to eat only made me nauseous.  Bed time involved another T3, and a bit of otc sleep aid.  I slept for almost 11 hours.  Today isn't much better.  I've been sitting in the kitchen on my Captain's chair, and playing with the computer. That seems to be the place I'm most comfortable.  David has cleaned the kitchen, put all of the dishes and extra lights from my lady's visit.  Now he's emptying the dishwasher.

Then the final straw  (teehee)  I tried to make myself some lunch.  That involved peanut butter.  David had to help me open it and the--it was crunchy!!  I don't eat crunchy!!  Try the other new jar!  It was crunchy too!!  It looks like I have two jars of crunchy peanut butter to use. How could this have happened?  Well, since I'm the one who buys the peanut butter, I guess I have to live with it.

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