Sunday, April 21, 2019

Happy Easter

I hope you both have a pleasant weekend.  We have no plans, but I have been busy in the studio, with hand stitching jobs that I can do sitting.  I have developed a plan and associated List, and am tending to it.  This means less housework, and I will have to get on that today.  Especially as I accidentally hit the on button on the blender without the lid on, while making breakfast.  Never done that before.

My back is getting better as the new drugs kick in.  I'm also finding  myself more "fuzzy " brained, especially in the morning.  Unfortunately, for some reason, I'm gaining weight rather quickly.  That concerns me, but I'm back to phase one of my diet today, so we'll see if that helps.

The weather has tuned nice, but I've lived here long enough to know to take what we get, day by day.  David has tried to do some yard work, but is fining it rough going.  We have the name of a fellow who is willing to do it, for a price, and plan to phone him tomorrow.  David is also concerned that the birds appear to be avoiding our feeder.  they weren't eating the millet in the feed, so we changed to a feed with less millet.  Maybe that's the problem.

otherwise not much going on here.  Hope you both have a good day.  I know Beth will.  She does every time she visits Michael.

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