Thursday, April 4, 2019

Give it time

Cathy, the smoked fish cooked in milk was probably Tulibee.  Dad would bring it home as a special treat once in awhile.  I don't remember the milk, and cooked mine in water.  How our memories are different!  I won't try to feed you Tulibee if you ever come here for supper--I promise!

Cathy, give yourself time to make the adjustment to being retired.  There is no way you can deal with everything at once.  You need to discover your best method of dealing with your new life.  But there is no rush to get there.  It will happen over time.  

When you're dealing with the house work you need a strategy.  Remember that house work is like eating an elephant, you get there one bite at a time.  One strategy might be to devote a certain amount of time to it, and discipline yourself.  When the time is up--no more.  Move onto something other than cleaning, or whatever.  My strategy is to make lists.  I don't make any effort to do everything on the list in one day or one week.  But, I  decide to deal with a certain number of tasks every day--maybe one or two, and use a casual priority system to choose those task.  So you tackle your list one bite at a time.  And put everything on the list from preparing supper to doing the dishes, to grocery shopping, remembering your daily limit.  I wash dishes no more than once a day, and sometimes not that often.  But--your daily limit must be flexible, so as to not overtax your strength.

You must also make a real effort to be kind to yourself.  Remember that you are involved in a very stressful life style adjustment, and approaching it in a state of exhaustion, and also at a low physical ebb, given your physical issues over the past while.  At the same time, remember that you need a social life.  Get out with other people once in awhile.

Sleep whenever you can.  Your body and soul need rest right now.  Treat them both kindly.  And remember that you have partner to share things with-they aren't all your responsibility, and neither is the problem of developing a strategy for dealing with them.

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