Thursday, May 21, 2009

No violin lesson last night afterall

My pupils were dilated for better examination of retinas so I was virtually blind for a few hours. I managed to drive home from Doctors (not North Bay as he has an office located in town for service to locals every Wed afternoon) but could not see well enough to have a lesson even if husband could drive me to North Bay. So it was cancelled by me at short notice. Not much more I can do for my eyes right now only to wait and if something more serious occurs to seek medical attention immediately.
Gas prices jumped 10 cents yesterday and isn't my car is sitting at a quarter tank so I must fill it today regardless of cost. No reasons ever for the sudden and drastic increases except as a money gouge.
At least did not have to heat the greenhouse last night or cover up the garden as the temperature remaind above O and should for a day or two now.
I just collected the Lottery Numbers off the internet and have yet to check my ticket so perhaps you may hear from me personally today if I am $49 M richer, or perhaps you will not. Or, maybe I'll hear from one of you with the same news??? Take care

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