Thursday, April 7, 2011

Be - the week that is..

As our Father used to say in times of great need Cathy, you are the best in repeating this just the right way for proper emphasis - so go ahead and say it right now for me, OK? There, now we can get on with this message. My hands are particularly sore and swollen this week and I have to think why- three things likely contributing 1) outside work - shovelling and raking gravel from the road and piling it up until I can put it on our yard ground and driveway which are still covered with snow and ice 2) opening up all the plastic bags full of compost that were thrown into the compost box over winter and piling it up with shredded papers- much still frozen yet and 3) I have been knitting! The only truly joyful of the three has been my knitting of the prayer shawl I chose from my new book and I sure hope that this pleasure will not be compromised too badly by the arthritis flaring up. And to think I only have about 6 or 7 more months of outside work to get through. I bought two tickets for Harry and I to attend a live musical show next Thursday night in North Bay. My violin teacher had them for sale and in a sudden impulse I decided to go. It is the Scott Woods Band - he is a Grand National Fiddle Champion and apparently puts on a nice variety show. My teacher says she usually joins in for a few tunes when he comes to North Bay because she knows him, but since she is 8 months pregnant right now, she has asked another of her senior students / instructor to play instead. I really go out on a limb when I commit to having to go up to North Bay for an evening performance especially since we'll be at Mothers that day as well, so here's hoping it turns out for the good. Easter plans are coming together as Harry's brother and his wife have confirmed their visit. So we shall do the catering as usual. Harry had his E-Bike stored in Mother's garage over the winter and today took the charged battery up with us and took it for a spin. He is hoping to get out more this summer, and as I mentioned to you folks before, I also want to use my manual bike a bit more. Wonder if I can actually achieve this goal? Anyway, time to close - I bought three Lotto Max numbers - one for each of us -so we are bound to win tomorow night! Count your money now, ladies! Take care.

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