Monday, April 18, 2016


How can I embrace the concept?  I love my sisters, and think of them often.  I worry about them, but cheer them on emotionally. I want to support them in any adventure they have, because we all need the support most when  things are not perfect.  If we see nothing but smiles, how are we to know when the need is greatest?

Beth, I love hearing about your daily inspirational messages. Please keep sending them.  I get something out of every one of them, even if not on the exact day.  Cathy, we have all been blessed with a fine intellect, so we've all faced many situations that make us impatient. We understand.  I have been told that I "don't suffer fools", which is probably just another way of saying that I, too, lack patience.

I have now had two days of working in the studio on things that please me.  I recognize the need for time like this, for myself, when I find myself becoming impatient with those around me. The solitude helps me "center" myself. Now life in intruding again, but I feel better able to face it.  I sense that you gather strength in your garden, Beth.  Do you find the same thing when you spend time in your garden, Cathy?

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