Thursday, December 20, 2018

Holding Pattern

Just a matter of sitting and waiting now.  This is often the way, at this time of year.  I still have to bake another batch of Melting Moments, and have the butter out warming up, for tomorrow morning.  I like to bake off my Butterscotch Refrigerator Cookies at almost the last minute, so I can see doing that Monday evening.  I don't plan a wholesale clean-up of the house, maybe just the bathrooms.  As David's sister, Gail, says,"clean up after people have left not before.  Otherwise you'll have to do it twice"  And,  I've decided to use my Christmas plates for Tuesday.  Nothing else, just the plates.  I really don't believe that paper plates are sturdy enough for a big dinner.

Tuesday morning, I'll put together a big batch of Scottish Oatmeal Dressing, and set out the two daintie trays I'll need.  I had thought of buying a bag of tortilla chips for Tuesday, as we'll need a salty treat as well, if we actually end up playing the game we have planned.  We've tried for the last two years to organize a card game, but it doesn't happen for some reason.  Everyone is coming a little earlier this year, so here's hoping.

Tried to make a batch of paper this morning.  I learned a lot through the process, and obviously, need more practice, but should have something to show for the effort.  I certainly plan to do it again.  I've also fooled around with another technique demonstrated on Design Matters TV.  I've done the basic work on an appliqued wall hanging of "A Partridge in a Pear Tree.  I've seen this applique technique before, but never tried it.  This is part of a more long range plan to create a couple of hand stitching projects to take to stitchery meetings.  There is an art quilt in the works, with nothing left but the beading, but I've found that I can't do that well, in a group.  After the New Year, I have another project to deal with, but one that will take a lot of word processing time.

All of this is in response to a feeling of being bored.  Most of my mornings are taken up with housework, but with just the two of us, there isn't a lot of that.  When I'm bored, I eat.  So I need something to take me away from the kitchen from about 11:00 a.m  until 8:30-9:00 p.m.  Reading doesn't cut it, and I prefer to be busy, in any case.

So here I sit, waiting for supper to cook ( it's in the oven). After I eat and clean up, there are 3 hours of "Dead Files", during which I will bead.  After that maybe one poker tournament, and then bed.  Today is taken care of.

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