Monday, December 31, 2018

thinking about dryers

I'm remembering the times that I had to use the laundromat.  Mainly it was when we lived in Edmonton, in an apartment, with two little ones, but there have also been times here when it became necessary.  Yes, lugging those heavy baskets around was a chore, but I also remember that the time I spent there became a few minutes of calm, in a hectic life.  I could take my book, and sit peacefully while the machines did their job.  Of course there were lengths of time when I had to tend those machines, or fold the results of their labour, but for some reason I always felt a little more relaxed when I left, than when I got there.

Today was mainly a "hurry up and wait" day.  I caught up with a few chores related to my volunteer activities.  Got all set up on David's computer to do a bunch of printing, and e-mailing, when the darn thing abruptly says that it was time for a hardware scan, and to please not attempt to use the computer while the scan was in progress.  Of course this was just as I had opened up my thumb drive, and started the first printing.  Couldn't even eject the thumb drive and move to another machine.  Just had to sit, and wait it out.  I have another batch of paper on the go, and am sitting waiting for it to dry.  I need a bath, but have to wait until the dishwasher finishes.  There is a load of wash to put on, but that must wait until after I finish my bath.  We have really become slaves to our machines haven't we?  Supper was leftovers, and we both had to take turns waiting to use the microwave.  And so it goes.

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