Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Morning routine...

Always the same in the early morning for me - a bit of a ritual I guess. Get up, take the dog out, check the hydro meter, get the little chick formula made and then feed it, get the cats their food and feed them, and then start my keurig coffee machine and then turn on the computer ...wow ..I'm tired already haha!
The little chick is now two weeks old and is now starting to flourish. I went through a bad week of it not responding and thought it may go the way the previous little chick had, but for some reason, it had a turnaround and now seems to be ok. I still keep my fingers crossed as there are a few weeks left before it can go on it's own. It is in the same nesting cage as it's three other siblings and I think their presence and keeping him warm and stimulated has made a difference.The parents certainly have not contributed.
This morning we are driving to Sprucedale to drop off the Gift basket we make every year for the Saunders - the couple that used to help Mother. We have kept up this ritual all these years since her death -they in return give us a basket as well. We originally were going to go on to Huntsville to shop but the timing is poor to ensure the little chick gets fed so we will just come back home - the Saunders have had us in for coffee in previous years and if this happens we have no time to go to Huntsville.
Yesterday Harry went up to North Bay on his own to do his "shopping" for Christmas. It gave me a chance to clean up here at home a bit since I had wanted to bring up some of my favourite Christmas decorations - I need to make room for them in the front room. After he came home I took the car and drove to the storage shed and deposited several boxes there. Now I have room to please myself with decorating the way I like it at Christmas. But i sure was bushed - that and getting up to feed the little chick frequently is playing havoc on my poor old body!
So now is my time to sit and relax with my coffee before the actual day begins so I better get at it. Hope all is well. Take care.

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