Thursday, September 12, 2019

A frantic day--so far

When we went through the bits and pieces that we got back with my purse, we slowly realized that there were a few more cards that I would want to replace.  There was also some grocery shopping to to.  David dropped me off at Starbucks and headed for the dollar store alone to buy some plastic ware.  He was quickly back and told m that the out-of-the-way dollar store he went to had owl bags with zippers. So grabbed my coffee and off we went.  Sure enough they were the bags I wanted and there were lots of them.  So--remembering the trouble we had finding them, I bought three.  One owl, two owls, and three owls.

Darn!  I thought I had pictures, but I'll have to try again later.

Right now we have a few minutes at home, and then it's off to the library to take in a copy of the police report, and then off to the bank for a meeting about our mortgage.  It just never ends!  We're hoping for a quiet evening, as we're busy tomorrow with a volunteer appreciation dinner out in Selkirk.  During the day I hope to catch up with laundry, that has been slightly neglected this week.  I don't even want to look at the kitchen!

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