Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Cheese tarts be damned!

Tried to make them today.  Not a good thing. The first batch were mostly too well done. Looked good but they didn't taste good.  Charred was the word David used.

There was a small tray of re-rolled scraps that were cooked for one minute less and were okay.  Not great, but okay.  We had mixed the first batch mainly by hand.  So after cleaning everything up, I started again.  Used the big mixer. (the parts of the small mixer were in the dishwasher)  Big mistake.  They were so soft that we couldn't work with them, but part way to this conclusion, I realized that we were rolling and cutting them on the counter over the dishwasher that was running, and always heats up the counter.  We were melting the dough.  Dough in the fridge, and I went for coffee, but came home after a fairly short time.  Dough out, and it was too hard to roll.  So it got left on the counter for a short while.  But when it appeared ready to roll, we quickly realized that it was getting too soft, as fast as we could roll it.  So I ended up taking small bits of dough and rolling it in my hands into a ball, and then pushing that into the tart pan with fingers to shape it a bit.  Cooked those, but after several minutes more than any other batch we took them out. They were nicely browned on the bottom, but raw in the centers.  They went into the garbage.  The first batch had been crushed up and put on the bird feeder.  Even the birds haven't eaten any yet.  So we ended up with about 2 dozen that are acceptable but not great, and those will go to the reception tomorrow.  A regular batch should make about 4 dozen, and we made two batches.  Do the math!  

Not a good day!

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